“Genesis” marks the beginning of this story, embodying the inception of our journey through snow’s metaphorical and literal landscapes. This piece is an artful assembly of seven meticulously drilled samples of Lasa marble, each with a diameter of 58mm, mirroring the singularity and elegance of snow crystals. Like the individuality found in nature’s frosty designs, every marble column stands distinct, celebrating the diversity inherent in the natural world.
To achieve coherence and unity among these unique elements, iron rods measuring 240mm in length and 6mm in diameter are employed, threading through each marble piece to create a cohesive structure. This assembly utilizes two rods for each segment, except for the pivotal central element, which acts as the cornerstone through which each rod intersects. This deliberate arrangement, with rods staggered and rotated in relation to one another, ensures a dynamic interplay of form and space. The precise positioning of the through-holes is carefully calibrated to the marble’s natural veining, further accentuating the individual character of each piece. “Genesis” not only marks the beginning of the story but also invites reflection on the interplay between the ephemeral beauty of snow and the enduring strength of marble, bridging the temporal with the timeless.
Materials: Lasa marble Ø 58mm, iron rods Ø 6mm – Dimensions: 300x200x420mm – Weight: 21.1 Kg